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What is FTC Solar’s stock symbol?
Our stock is traded on Nasdaq under the symbol FTCI.
When was FTC Solar incorporated?
Our company was formed in 2017 by a group of renewable energy industry veterans.
When did FTC Solar become a public company?
FTC Solar (Nasdaq FTCI) began its listing on Nasdaq on Wednesday, April 28, 2021.
Where is FTC Solar headquartered?
Our global corporate headquarters is in Austin, Texas.

9020 North Capital of Texas Hwy.
Building 1, Suite 260
Austin, Texas 78759
Who is FTC Solar’s transfer agent?
Communications concerning shareholder address changes, stock transfers, changes of ownership, lost stock certificates, duplicate mailings or other account services should be directed to the following:

Mailing & Overnight Address

Continental Stock Transfer & Trust
1 State Street, 30th Floor
New York, New York 10004-1561
United States

Shareholder Website

Shareholder Online Inquiries


When is the next earnings release?
FTC Solar publishes its earnings dates approximately 14 calendar days in advance of the earnings date. Please sign up for Email Alerts to be notified of any upcoming events and news releases.
Does FTC Solar have a direct stock purchase plan?
No, FTC Solar does not have such a program available to shareholders. Please contact your broker/ brokerage firm to purchase shares of FTC Solar stock.
What is the CUSIP number for FTC Solar Stock?
FTC Solar’s CUSIP number is 30320C 103
Who is FTC Solar’s auditor?
PricewaterhouseCoopers is the company’s auditor.
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